Each Eddition Of The Show Is Realesed On A Saturday Afternoon. Powered by Blogger.

About Us

Show Information

The Aftershock: Pro Wrestling Talkshow launched on Saturday April 2nd 2011 (Wrestlemania Weekend). Originally hosted by Sean Walford, former host Reggie Tillar, & our now weekly co-host Kyle Patin who was a guest panelist on the show! Soon after Reggie & Sean decided they wanted to take the show in different directions & so Reggie decided to leave & went to present his own show named "MMA Soup." From then on Sean asked Kyle to join him on a weekly basis along with long time friend George Jones, they now get together each and every Friday where they record the show which is then released the very next day.

Host Biographies

Sean Walford

"I have been a wrestling fan from a very early age, watching all major products & anything else I could find. Personal favorite matches of mine are Bret Hart Vs Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X & The Rock Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin from Wrestlemania 7.  I have a huge passion for the businesses, & today watch WWE, TNA, ROH, CZW, JCW, DGUSA, & Pretty much anything on offer to me! Born & Bred in the UK originally from Glasgow Scotland, now living in the South of England. I am the producer/head host of the show"!

Kyle Patin

"I'm the owner and Editor in Chief of ineedwrestling.com. I worked in law enforcement for a few years, but realized that wrestling is my true passion and will always be. Wrestling fascinated me from an early age, 20 or some years ago. I love the art, the story, and the athleticism that it showcases, there is nothing else like it on Earth. I've attended many wrestling events over the years, including TV shows, house shows, and PPV's held by WWE, WCW, TNA, and indy promotions. Some of my favorite memories would have to be Sting vs Flair in the late 80's and early 90's, the Monday night wars, and Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XII."
I can be contacted by e-mail at kyle@ineedwrestling.com 

Reggie Tillar
No longer part of the show check out his podcast "MMA Soup" here!